Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Calling all art-junkies!!! -->This website is beautiful you should check it out some time. It's full of dramatic photographs, artistic abstracts and digital manipulations. Someday I'll learn how to manipulate that well. Just about every art piece on there has the style of dramatic simplicity that you just stare in awe at. I would post an example of here but it doesn't allow direct linking to pictures in case you steal them.
Speaking of art - I do design technology at school. I love being in that class, it's a place where I can be free with my mind but also extend it to a special point of thinking about how to present my ideas on paper. Right now we aren't doing something I'm so enthusiastic about - we have to imagine a world without gravity, which in reality, is impossible because we'd all be dead, but in design we have to think of products to help live without gravity. I guess it more about making a product look cool, but I don't enjoy it because I have to wrap my mind around how my product will work. I'll keep you updated with my works and ideas if I can.
I think that will be all I'm going to write for today. I still haven't talked about what specifically inspires me (although I've started with art with this post) and I want to talk about an update Greenpeace put on their website this week that I'm very excited about.

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