Thursday, August 03, 2006

Continuing on..

Click the title. It goes to an awesome blog full of interesting sketches. Motivates me to sketch more. I wish life had more time so I could relax and take my time to draw what ever I wanted. A week or two ago I did that on a bus but I only had about 10 minutes so all I drew was the back of someone's head. I'll scan it in for you to see. Maybe some of the people that live around the ACT could guess whereabouts I was sitting on the bus.

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I finally figured out some sketched for my design class. I've got a couple of designs for cars and one design for a shoe. They need a lot of working on though. They are just ideas for now. I also need a third item in the area of transport, I was thinking something along the lines of a transport tube, like in Futurama, or maybe a futuristic elevator tube. Honestly I'm not too keen on designing products with no gravity involved. After all, if there was no gravity, we would be dead. Thank God for that!! (No really.. I do thank god for that :P)

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I wanted to post up something yesterday but I never got around to it because I collapsed on the couch and slept away the night. After on and off sleep I finally work up and realized I was still in the lounge room at 3:50 in the morning! Maybe it's from all those times of reading past midnight or just mucking around on the computer at night for too long.. or maybe just because of school. At least I can sleep a lot - some of my friends have been sleeping less than 5-6 hours every night. One has been especially sick for some time now :(. At least I got my flu injection this year so I wouldn't get sick this winter. Only one more month until winter is over :D!! I'll be glad because I don't have to suffer the bitter winds that blow constantly where I live.
I'll post a website evaluation before I go, but I'd better do it quickly because it's getting pretty late.

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