Friday, August 11, 2006

Sweet Dreams

Here's a poem I made about a lovely tea I bought not long ago. I don't usually write corny little poems that rhyme often, but it suited the style so well. It's strange to write a poem about tea, but this one was beautiful, made of lovely herbs and flowers. Just to smell it is heavenly. And yes, the tea is actually called "Sweet Dreams".

Sweet Dreams
Along the narrow pathway,
In a place not to be found,
There lived a little granny,
In a cottage with tranquil sound.

Spring was coming alive,
Which she enjoyed in all her ages,
Rocking back and forth,
Reading her favourite pages.

Colours and nature surrounded her,
Water tricked towards the sea,
Feathers and petals danced,
It was bliss while enjoying her tea.

And as the frost crept in,
When the creatures were ready to sleep,
She'd snuggle closely to her cup,
A memory she'll always keep.

So this tea, I hope you'll see,
That it's not as dreary as it seems,
For as long as you drink at night,
You're guaranteed long sweet dreams.

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