Sunday, August 27, 2006

Blogger in a Snap

I was browsing through Dickson Library last Thursday, randomly going through the computer/internet/new software programs section and found very strange books about cyberspace. One particularly funny one was a feminist book encouraging women to publish websites on the internet to compete with the stereotypical idea (of the mid 1990's) of computer nerd boys dominating the internet scene in creations, community and socialization on the internet's. I randomly flipped through the pop culture humour in pictures and came across one that stunned me - the 8-ball bra website. Ah.. brings back the memories of those bra burning days... I mean er... What??

Anyway that comment about that book was besides the point.. I just found it hilarious because the attitude to the internet is changing so rapidly all the time; publishing books about it just don't stand any chance because it's an instant medium of communication. However this book I picked up by chance, "Blogging in a Snap", was extremely useful to me. This book is specifically for people that want help on blogging for the Blogger website. It wasn't until after I borrowed this book that I realised the whole book was entirely for explaining how to use Blogger's settings and management for making the most of your blog. The forward was quite inspiring because the author was involved with internet publishing and managing since the very early years of the internet, particularly when blogging was a new thing. There were many others that produced other ways of communicating on the internet, such as forums, that told her that blogging is nothing new. Instead of feeling negative from this comment, she agreed with it, saying "You're right. Blogging is nothing new. But Blogging is not about technology, it's about people."
I think the greatest thing about reading this book is that it's may seem as thick as a text book but in fact, it took me a very short amount of time to read through. Blogging in a Snap is designed to be zipped through so you can go straight into blogging in full understanding of what to do. Additionally, this book contains a full overview of what is required when using Blogger, whether it be the simple understanding of publishing a post to understanding the concepts of applying your own layout and html to your template. It makes me feel really lucky to find such a convenient book as this one to help me work on improving this blog. I hope you're reading Lemmy, because I'm definitely going to show you how impressive this book is.

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